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Building One Another®

A Podcast About Encouragement

Ministry Moments


BuildingOne Another  

Therefore encourage one another andbuild one another up, just as you are doing.  I Thessalonians 5:11


Ministry Moments!


Dear Friend,


There are many moments in our lives: joyful moments, exciting moments, sorrowful, memorable and defining moments.  Consider the concept of the “ministrymoment.”  

Jesus connected with people countless times in brief encounters that changed their lives forever. Such meetings were ministry moments. Think of his call to Peter to follow him, his healing of blind Bartimaeus, and his conversation with the woman at the well.

Ministry moments are the interactions of normal every day life in which the Lord living in you wants to encourage others through you where you are.

A ministry moment may develop in your own life when you are least expecting it.

Another person enters your presence and you have the people-eyes to see them as Jesus sees them: a child walks into the room, a co-worker phones you, you talk to a mechanic about your car, or you chat with your neighbor.

You realize that person is positioned there by God for you touch in a ministry moment in which by word or deed you represent JesusChrist to them as you encourage, comfort and challenge them.

Pray with your child before bed. Talk with a friend overZoom. Interact with an acquaintance on Facebook. Review the performance of a person who works for you. Eat breakfast with your family. Console a person whois ill. Talking to someone else waiting in line. These are all opportunities for a ministry moment

Ministry moments are the interactions of normal every day life in which our Lord works through you in word and deed to encourage others through you where you are.

Joy to you -- E. Stanley Ott        

© Copyright 2020 E.Stanley Ott

Scripture from the ESV

Show Notes

Think of a couple of moments in your life when someone else encouraged you - by their presence, with some word, with some deed. Consider how something that took so little time actually made a significant impact on you.

Think over your last few days. That connections with people have you had - online, face-to-face and so on, in which you could have or in fact did offer the encouragement of our Lord. What more might you have said or done to encourage each person in each situation?

About the Podcast

Our heart is to encourage your heart and to encourage you to encourage others.

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Building One Another® is a podcast of Leading Moments®.

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