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Building One Another®

A Podcast About Encouragement

A Psalm a Day!


Building One Another  

Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.  I Thessalonians 5:11

A Psalm a Day

Dear Friend,

Many years ago, I met Elton Trueblood, a well published theologian, whose books were very helpful to me in learning the practice of the Christian faith.

One day I heard him recommend the reading of a Psalm every day and along with it, a chapter of the Old and New Testaments. He said, “Jot the date in the margin of your Bible next to the passages you read along with brief notes about your life.”

Over the years that practice turned my Bible into a diary of my life, indicating when and what I was reading in scripture and the marking of life moments such as births, deaths, anniversaries and celebrations.

I have especially appreciated the experience of reading a Psalm every day. There are many kinds of Psalms, yet I find each kind has a way of giving me insight into life and hope that our Lord is the God who loves, forgives, redeems and restore both me and you!

I encourage you to try this practice of a Psalm a day and a chapter of the Old and New Testaments. Even if you miss occasional days, you will discover a new freshness in your life with the God who loves you!

Joy to you -- E. Stanley Ott      

© Copyright 2020 E. Stanley Ott

Scripture from the ESV

Show Notes

Do you have a pattern of Bible reading and if you do, what is it? Are you willing to give Elton Trueblood's pattern a try - for at least a week or better yet, a month. If so then begin a Psalm a day with Psalm 1. Choose a book of the Old Testament you'd like to read. I Samuel is great for a beginning daily pattern. For daily readings in the New Testament, the Gospel according to Luke is a wonderful place to start.

You may find many of the books of D. Elton Trueblood on

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

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